Please take a minute to review this brief Tutorial. It will help familiarize you
with the use of the DLG Services, Inc. Web Portal.
To begin, select the Log In button located at the top right-hand corner of the webpage.
If you do not yet have an account, there is a link to Register within the login
When registering for a new account, please be sure to sign up using the email address
where you received the introductory email. This ensures that your companies are
properly linked to your new account.
After registering, you will be instructed to wait 1-2 business days for your companies
to be linked to your account. Once linked, you will receive a follow-up email from
our staff informing you that your account is ready for use. After receiving this
email, please log in using your newly created account.
Once logged in, proceed to the Portal section of the website. This is the area within
which you will review your company's data.
Begin by selecting a company.
The company's information will be displayed. Please note that you will not able
to modify all of the data listed within the Company Information panel. Some areas
will be grayed out. If changes to these read-only areas are needed, please use the
Feedback form at the bottom of the page to inform us.
In our example, the company is a corporation. The corporation's officers, directors
and shareholders are displayed. If changes are needed, you may edit any of the records
listed by clicking the Edit icon ()
or add a new contact as needed by clicking the Add icon ().
Note that if you choose to add a new contact, you may choose to insert information
for the New Contact or you may choose the Existing Contact option to select from
a dropdown listing of already associated company contacts.
For instance, in our example Jane Doe is already listed as a Director; however,
we would like to add her as an Officer. By clicking Add ()
and selecting Existing Officer, we may then choose her name from the dropdown list
and only be required to enter her Title as an Officer. The remainder of her contact
information will be automatically filled in based on the information from her Director
Once you have completed your changes and/or additions, please scroll down to the
Filing Confirmation area.
After reviewing the Filing Confirmation statement, please confirm your understanding
by selecting Yes and clicking the Confirm button. This will inform our staff that
your company is ready to file its Biennial Report.
That's it! After receiving the red Confirmation text as shown above, you may
select a different company from the top of the page to review additional company
data or, if you have finished, simply close your browser window.